Field Trips & Tours

The Bull Run Civil War Roundtable (BRCWRT) conducts a major tour each Spring and Fall; typically, a day-long tour focused upon a specific Civil War campaign or battle in the Virginia-DC-Maryland region. BRCWRT also conducts half-day field trips to local Civil War historic sites and battlegrounds. Our 2021-2022 tour programs included the battlefields of Cool Springs, Va. (July 18, 1864) and Fredericksburg (Dec. 12, 1862), and a driving tour retracing the route of “Stonewall” Jackson’s epic 1862 “flank march” that led to the raid on Manassas Junction and the Battle of 2nd Manassas (2nd Bull Run). BRCWRT field trips are recognized for being well-organized, informative programs led by knowledgeable tour guides, and for being . . . fun outings.

The BRCWRT Field Trip & Tour Committee is a standing committee of the Round Table, that plans and organizes the annual tour programs. Committee members plan trip objectives and itineraries, select tour guides, arrange transportation, and coordinate with tour sites. BRCWRT members who may be interested in becoming part of this essential activity of our Round Table are encouraged to contact one of our Committee members.

BRCWRT Field Trips & Tours Committee members (2022):